3月に突入しました。今年は4年に一度のうるう年ということもあって1日特をした気持ちです。英語では"leap year"と言うそうで、由来は一日跳ねる(ジャンプする)からだそうです。そんなこんなで春らしい陽気かと思えば急に寒くなったりと気温の変化は著しいですが、着々と春に向かっているようです。
栗のテーブル/Chestnut table
March started. It was "leap year" in this November. Temperature is really high, whereas it goes down steeply. So we have to care not to catch a cold anyway.
I met some guys who are ex-company's coworker. It has been for 7 or 8years since we met last time. Only we could say was that we certainly have been aging. We had a good time and I thought we need to meet up and enjoy once in a while to the extent that my wife doesn't get angry at me.
I'm making chestnut table lately. It has drawers so the structure is a little complex. It's gonna be cool. ciao.
Shohei Otani got married! Congrats!