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遠い昔/The distant past




最後に海外に行ったのが10年前です。それはN.Yでした。時は師走のN.Yでカナダのケベック州からグレハンバス(Greyhound bus)で陸路にてアメリカに入国しました。アメリカ入国は毎回厳しいのでドキドキものでしたが、入国審査官が恐らく冗談で、イチローは親戚かと尋ねてきたので "そうだよ、たまに会うよ”と返したら、"why?" と言われ自分も"why??"と答え、戸惑った記憶があります。”I'm just kidding"でなんとか会話を終わらせて、無事に入国できたと思います。なんだったんだろう。信じたのかなぁ。

そして入国の日がクリスマス・イブだったので、街はとても華やかでロックフェラーセンターなんかは巨大なクリスマスツリーの下、大勢の人がアイススケートをしていました。宿泊先も殆ど空きがなく、どこもとても高い印象でした。やっとの思いで見つけた滞在先はLower East SideのManhattan Bridgeの入り口あたり、ちょうどチャイナタウンの入り口だったので、夜中にチャイナタウンで夜食を食べるのが日課でした。良い思い出。



Photo: Brooklyn Bridge

Though I often go to park with my children on a day off, I went to one which I used to go a lot when I was childhood recently. Although It's been for about 30 years, It has not changed at all.

The last time I traveled abroad was 10 years ago. The place was New York city.

It was winter season, I came in The States from Montreal Canada by Greyhound bus. That was kind of the cheapest way to get in there. Everytime I go through the border to the states made me nervous. At this time immigration officer asked me " Are you a relative of Ichiro Suzuki??" I said " Yeah, I often meet him." then the officer said "Why??" I said " Why??" I was just perplexed. Because, I thought that question she asked me was totally kidding me. On the other hand, she looked really serious. And then I finally said " Sorry, I'm just kidding." I don't remember after that. But I went through the border somehow. I maybe shouldn't ve said something unnecessary. just keep in mind.

That day was Christmas Eve, it was packed with people in Manhattan, and tons of illumination around. I remember that it was hard to find an accommodation. I could finally booked the accommodation was really small room and super expensive where it located the entrance of china town. It was besides Manhattan bridge. I often went around china town at midnight. That was my daily routine.



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